
Chapter One :Chapter 1

Tianwu Continent, Yunlan Empire, Clearwater Town.

Upon the bed, Ling Feng was despondent and heartbroken, as if his spirit had turned to ash.

His martial pulse destroyed, his whole life ruined, he has been reduced to a life-long cripple.

"The Qin Family!" Ling Feng gritted his teeth, thinking about everything that had happened a day ago. His eyes turned blood-red, and the hatred in his heart surged like raging waves!

Ling Feng was born in an ordinary mountain village. His mother's whereabouts were unknown, and his father was a common man. Luxuries were not part of their lives.

At the age of eight, Ling Feng came to Clearwater Town and began serving as a servant for the Qin Family, one of the three ruling families in the town. He did this partly in order to scrape by, and more importantly, to have the chance to cultivate!

On the Tianwu Continent, martial prowess was highly esteemed. Strength signified status. If you wanted to alter your destiny, earn respect, or afford a comfortable life for your family, what you needed most was formidable power!

Ling Feng had such dream. For seven whole years, regardless of the season, whether it was hot, cold, or raining, not a day went by that he slackened his efforts to engage in cultivation tirelessly.

At fifteen, he broke through to the Seven Layers of Human Martial Realm!

Among his peers, such cultivation was an exceptional achievement. None of the young masters and ladies of the Qin family could hold a candle to him.

It was the day before, that the patriarch of the Qin family announced that a second-level sect would be visiting Clearwater Town to recruit disciples. The Qin family was given an allocation for one slot. This slot would be determined through a contest, in which anyone, be it a young master or a servant, could participate.

The victor would be granted the privilege to participate in the sect's recruitment contest three days later.

Ling Feng was overwhelmed with excitement, feeling that his golden opportunity had finally come - a chance to bring glory to his ancestors and change his own destiny!

Entering a sect would expand his horizon even more!

Therefore, Ling Feng participated with full effort, showed his prowess in the martial contest, and amazed everyone. Even the youngest son of the patriarch, Qin Rong, known as the second most promising of the younger generation of Lin family, was defeated by him.

In this martial arts competition, Ling Feng came out on top!

According to previous agreements, he should rightfully earn a spot in the upcoming sect selection competition.

At the height of his jubilance, imagining how he could soon provide for his father lavishly and live a life of aristocratic ease, a stunning twist took place. An expert from the Qin family struck him out of the blue, crippling his martial roots without hesitation or reason.

"Are you, a lowly servant, daring to compete for a chance to join the sect? Trying to snatch glory from your superiors?"

"Let me clarify for you. This slot was reserved for the second young master of our family from the start. The only reason you're here was to give the young master some practice for the real competition three days later. You took it seriously? A mere servant challenging his master deserves to be crippled!"

"You're nothing but a dog of the Qin family. Daring to fight back? That's a death wish!"

With his martial roots eradicated, endless mockery, humiliation, and hostility heaped upon him, Ling Feng was treated like a discarded dog and thrown out of the manor.

Recalling those icy words, Ling Feng's hatred festered even more. But what use was hatred now? He’s already a ruined man!

"Foolish me, the opportunity to join a sect is precious beyond measure, why would the Qin family hand it to me, a mere servant?"

Ling Feng mocked himself bitterly, lamenting his naïveté. As he held his jade pendant and looked at it, a tear trickled down.

This pendant was a memento from his father when he left home.

"Feng'er, work hard once you're there, dad will be waiting for you to come back." He remembered his father's cheerful voice and smile keenly.

"Dad, don't worry. I'll strive, grow stronger, and someday, I'll come back, take you away from here, and give you a better life!" The eight-year-old Ling Feng eagerly pledged, holding it as his heart's highest aspiration.

"Dad, your son is useless now." Ling Feng's eyes moistened. He hadn't been back home for seven years, awaiting the day he could make a triumphant return to honor his family and make his father proud.

Now, he didn't stand a shred of hope. He was in such pain, feeling as if being pricked by a needle.


Opening his fist, Ling Feng ruthlessly slammed his hand into the bed. Achieving glory for his ancestors? He was nothing more than a useless wreck, unable to even get out of bed!


A clear, crisp sound echoed from Ling Feng's punch, startling him. In his excitement, he had shattered the jade pendant his father had given him.

The regret in his heart was immense; when things weren't going well, it seemed even drinking cold water could choke you.

He quickly lowered his head to inspect the damage, but before he could get a good look, his hand, still holding the shattered jade pendant, had suddenly erupted in a burst of multicolored light.

As soon as the brilliant light appeared, it was overwhelming, enveloping his whole body before permeating within him.

Ling Feng felt tremendous pain pulsating through his body as though his meridians were all shattered.

The pain caused him to grunt faintly before he collapsed, unconscious.

By the time Ling Feng had regained consciousness, an hour had passed.

He felt like he had a dream, in which an old man with snowy white hair had restored his damaged martial meridians and even granted him martial meridians with five different properties.

Martial meridians had attributes, such as metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. Generally, a person could only possess martial meridians of one attribute, which would allow them to absorb elemental energy of the same attribute.

For example, Ling Feng previously had fire-attributed martial meridians, allowing him to absorb fire-attributed elemental energy.

"What just happened?"

Amazed, Ling Feng remembered the burst of multicolored light that filled his body, the pain that knocked him unconscious, and the strange dream he had.

"No, that's not right!" Suddenly, Ling Feng's eyes widened dramatically.

His martial pulse had been eradicated, leaving him feeble, stripped of his ability for progeny. However, it now seemed to have been restored. A certain part had once again reacted, becoming rigid.

His whole body, deprived of its strength before, seemed to have regained much of it.

He clenched his fist, the feeling was no longer soft and weak.

"Could it be that the multicolored glow was a magical heavenly treasure that cured me? Was the dream real?" Ling Feng theorized, trying to activate his technique to investigate.

Instantly, a ticklish sensation emerged from within his body, a surge of vital energy roamed within him.

"It's healed!"

After Ling Feng was taken aback, his eyes immediately shone with excitement, sending a tremor through his entire body!

His ruined martial pulse was actually healed.

Moreover, it was several times stronger than it was before!

The most important point is that the martial pulse was indeed as he understood in his dream, it has five different attributes.

Having five types of attributes meant that he could absorb five types of vital energy, cultivate techniques of five kinds of attributes, devour spiritual medicines of five kinds of attributes, giving him numerous benefits.

"Stay calm!"

Forcing himself back to tranquility, Ling Feng carefully sensed again. Once he confirmed it wasn't an illusion, his eyes beamed with an unfathomably brilliant light.

He truly recovered, life is not despair!

"With five attribute meridians, my cultivation speed is five times that of ordinary people!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath. His eyes shone brilliantly, and his ambitious spirit burst forth.

"The Qin Family!"

Ling Feng gave a cold smile, a murderous intent shot in his eyes. Now, his talent is even better than before when it was wasted, with the possession of five attribute meridians. He believes, he can definitely become quickly stronger.

The enmity of the Qin Family must be avenged!


At this moment, the door was opened, and a young girl walked in, followed by an old man.

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